The product is composed of a server and client program. The service program is preinstalled on a Western Digital NAS, such as the "MyBook World Edition", with 3 interface methods available to the user, specifically; Start, Stop, Reset.
Upon starting, the service establishes a connection across the Internet with MioNet. The client program is distributed in 2 formats, as a Java applet, and an installable program. Both client formats can connect to the server, across a LAN or across the Internet, after first connecting to MioNet. The installable client program is initially required to register and associate the NAS with a MioNet account. MioNet then facilitates all connections to the NAS service. Once connected, the client may upload or download files to the NAS.
"WD Anywhere Access" additionally offers premium subscription services such as "remote desktop" similar to VNC, and "Remote PC Drive" similar to FTP. These service are also available through a MioNet premium subscription.